Cookies Policy uses cookies to optimize the site's usage.

1.1. About cookies
Websites use smart and useful techniques to enhance user-friendliness and to make the site as interesting as possible for each visitor. One of the best known techniques involves cookies. Cookies can be used by website owners or third parties - like advertisers - who communicate through the website you visit.

Cookies are small text files that websites store on users’ computers. The information contained in cookies can also be used to track your surfing on different websites that use the same cookie.

Cookies are classified according to duration and who sets them.

We feel it is essential for you to be informed about the cookies that our website uses and for what purpose they are used. The purpose is threefold: we want to guarantee your privacy, the user friendliness, and the financing of our website as best as we can. The following explanation tells you more about the cookies used on and through our website and for what purposes.

2. How Acquamadre uses cookies
Acquamadre Srl uses cookies to gather visitor statistics and to record information about your preferences as you navigate through the web sites. Our purpose of using cookies is to improve the use of the site for you as a visitor.

3. Cookies and their functionality
Different types of cookies are used for different purposes.
Below you will find a list of the most common type of cookies and for what they are used.

3.1. Session cookies
A session cookie is temporarily stored in your computer’s memory while you are surfing on a site, for example to keep a track of which language you have chosen. Session cookies are not stored on your computer for a long period of time, but always disappear when you shut down your web browser.

3.2. Persistent or tracker cookies
A persistent cookie saves a file on your computer for a long time; this kind of cookie has an expiry date. Persistent cookies help websites remember your information and settings when you visit them in the future. This result in faster and more convenient access since, for example, you don't have to login again.

When the expiry date has passed, the cookie is automatically deleted when you return to the website that created it.

3.3. First party cookies
These are set by the website itself (the same domain as in the browser’s address bar), and can only be read by that site. These cookies are commonly used to store information such as your preferences, for use when you re-visit the site.

3.4. Third party cookies
These are set by different domains from the one shown on the browser address bar that is by an organisation other than the website owner.

Acquamadre does not store any third party cookie.

4. List of cookies set by Acquamadre website

Cookie name Purpose Expiry date
Google Analytics
__utmb We are using Google Analytics to collect data for statistics. This cookie determins the visitor session. After visit
__utma This cookie is identifying unique visitors After 2 years from set/update
__utmz This cookie is tracking traffic sources & navigation. After 6 months from set/update
__utmc This cookie determins the end of the visitor session After visit
Acquamadre Cookies    
PHPSESSID This cookie establishes a unique session identifier. At session end
avv This cookie controls the appearance of information alerts on the site. At session end
noavv This cookie terminates the appearance of information alerts on the site. At session end
ckok This cookie records the user's acceptance of cookies usage. After 7 days from set/update
order This cookie stores items selection in case of transactions at the online shop. At transaction end
usr This cookie stores user invoice data in case of transactions at the online shop. At transaction end
sets This cookie stores the user device data in order to optimize the site's performance. After 12 months from set/update

6. Managing cookies

6.1. How to view cookies

Since cookies are ordinary text files, they can be browsed with most text editor or word processing programs. You can click on a cookie to open it. Below is a list of links how to view cookies in different browsers. If you use another browser, please consult that browsers’ own cookies information. If you use a mobile phone please see your handset manual for more information.



Internet Explorer 8-10

6.2. Disabling/enabling or deleting cookies
To restrict or block cookies you do that through the browser settings.

If you do not want websites to place cookies on your computer at all, you can adapt your browser settings as such that you will be notified before any cookie is placed. You can likewise adapt the settings as such so that your browser refuses all cookies, or only the third party cookies. Likewise, you can remove any of your cookies that have already been placed. Please note that you will have to separately adapt the settings for each browser and computer you use.

Please be aware that if you do not want cookies, we can no longer guarantee our website to function properly. Some functions of the site may be lost, while you may no longer be able to see certain websites.

Each browser has a different method to adapt the settings. If necessary, consult your browser’s “help” function to make the correct settings.

To disable cookies on your mobile phone please see your handset manual for more information.

You can read more about cookies on the Internet at

7. Contact
We might have to adapt these statements from time to time, which may be due to changes in our website or regulations on cookies. We are allowed to change the contents of the statements and the cookies listed at all times and without prior warning. You can consult this webpage for the latest version.

Should you still have questions and/or remarks, please visit the Contacts page.

da Domenica 7​/7/24 a Mercoledì                11​/9/24   
Riapriamo Giovedì 12​/9/24
​from July ​the 7​th to​ September ​the 11​th, we'll re-open on September 12

Non c'è dono più gradito che del tempo per se stessi

Visita il nostro negozio on line e scegli la combinazione che preferisci in base al tuo budget.

Per prenotazioni scrivere a

booking write to


-AcquaMadre è chiuso per ferie dal 7 luglio.  Si riapre Giovedì 12 Settembre. IL NOSTRO NEGOZIO ONLINE E' APERTO.  Se vuoi acquistare un servizio clicca su -Ok, Continua-Puoi anche regalare i servizi acquistati con email personalizzata o con buono regalo da stampare.Per prenotare servizi alla riapertura scrivi a
-AcquaMadre hammam is closed for Summer holidays from the 7th of July until the 11th of September.    We'll be open on Thursday the 12th of September. THE  SHOP ON LINE IS OPEN. You can make a purchase by buying our services on the website and also make a gift sending the voucher via e-mail or printing it.      To make a booking, please write to :                                         
Per informazioni contattateci scrivendo a